Friday, December 3, 2010

The Dome of the Rock

                                photo source: Travel Blog

The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a holy place to all Muslims because it is where Muhammad ascended to heaven on a winged horse, as mentioned in surah 17. The Dome of the Rock, constructed in 691 CE, is one of the earliest mosques ever built, and written on the walls inside is also some of the earliest Qur’anic verses. It is built over a rocky outcropping on which it is believed (by Jews, Christians, and Muslims) that Abraham almost sacrificed is son Isaac/Ishmael. Let’s hear what Marilyn Stokstad, an art historian, has to say about it: “The Umayyads had completed the construction of the shrine over the rock using Syrian artisans trained in the Byzantine tradition. By appropriating a site holy to the Jewish and Christian faiths, the Dome of the Rock is the first architectural manifestation of Islam’s view of itself as completing the prophecies of those faiths and superseding them.” [1]
So the Dome of the Rock is not only a beautiful mosque - it literally caps the two earlier monotheistic faiths, saying “you have had the right intention, now I will tie all your loose ends together by bringing you the true word of God.” Some Jews, however, are not that happy about the mosque occupying that space at all, mainly because it is the site where the Temple of Solomon once stood. To see a basic summary of this disagreement follow this link:

[1] Stokstad,Marilyn. Art History. 3 ed. Upper Sadle River: Pearson Education, 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Good... I was wondering when I read about the Islamic is the Dome made out of GOLD? I heard it from one of my Junior High teacher.
